
Start+: How to Remove Single Documents as a Hiring Manager or Approver

Removing a document from an offer is now possible!

*Must be a Hiring Manager/Approver with the correct permission. Contact your Cast & Crew team to request this permission.  

How it Works

  • Hiring Managers can remove eligible documents from by clicking the icon next to the document name.
  • Approvers can remove eligible documents from by clicking the icon next to the document name. They can also remove a document from the document-signer page by clicking the dropdown arrow  and then choosing ”Remove Document.”
    • Desktop:
    • Mobile: 
  • Enter a note and confirm your choice.
    • Desktop:
    • Mobile:
  • The document will be removed from the offer’s active document list and will be displayed in the Rejected/Removed document section. 

Important Details

  • Documents can only be removed from offers with these statuses:  
  • The document cannot be removed if it was required by an auto-assignment rule.