Petty Cash Entry

PSL+ JE/PC Reverse/Reissue/Copy [revtrans]

The revtrans program is used to reverse, reissue and/or copy a PC and/or JE transaction. This program can be run anytime – in open or closed periods (depending on your specific studio's guidelines).

There are different action types that can be applied:

Getting Started

  • To access the revtrans screen, click the 'Journal Entry' module from the menu (see following screen shot).
  • Revtrans is also located in the 'Petty Cash' module.
  • You can also access this screen by typing the acronym ‘revtrans’ name in the blue prompt bar located above the 'Setup' menu. Then, press Enter.

Revtrans from menu tree Revtrans Screen

Please Note: The most common actions are ‘Reverse and Post’ and ‘Reverse and Post/Reissue’

  1. Choose the transaction type
  2. Input the transaction number
  3. Choose the ‘action’ for the original transaction.
    • Reverse and Post
      • Creates a new transaction that reverses the original
      • PSL automatically posts the new reversing transaction in the current period
    • Reverse and Post/Reissue
      • Creates a new transaction that reverses the original transaction
      • PSL automatically posts the new reversing transaction in the current period
      • Creates a second/ new unposted transaction that is a duplicate of the original transaction
    • Reverse and Leave Unposted
      • Creates a new unposted transaction that reverses the original transaction
      • Reversing transaction must be posted manually in jepost or pcpost
      • No Edit list or posting registers are available in revtrans
    • Reverse and Leave unposted/ reissue
      • PSL reverses the original transaction and creates a new unposted transaction
      • Reversing transaction must be posted manually in jepost or pcpost
      • PSL creates a second unposted transaction that is a duplicate of the original transaction
      • No edit list or posting register available in revtrans
    • Copy Unposted
      • Creates an unposted copy of the original transaction
      • No edit list or posting register available
      • Transaction must be posted manually in jepost or pcpost

JE Number/Envelope Number


JE Number

Envelope Number


Enter the JE Number to be reversed

Enter the PC Envelope Number to be reversed.


Enter the JE Number for the reissue

Enter the PC Envelope Number for the reissue


Enter the JE Number to be copied


Enter the PC Envelope Number to be copied

Report Type

  • The Report Type defaults to Edit Here you can verify that the newly created transaction reflects the action you want to take.
  • To move forward with posting, select 'Posting Register' followed by either the Print, Preview or Spreadsheet option as shown in the diagram below.

Please Note: the Edit List and Posting Register are only available for the ‘Reverse and Post’ and ‘Reverse and Post/Reissue’ actions.


Opens the Print Dialogue box and sends the report directly to the printer


Generates a PDF format report, Printing from PDF is available


Generates an Excel format report. You are still able to print from the Excel format. Please note if you select this option, you are able to have additional sorting options within Excel.

Once you select 'Posting Register' followed by either the Print, Preview or Spreadsheet option, PSL+ will display the following prompt:

Please Note: Selecting 'No,' PSL+ will prompt- "Would you like to reprint the register?" If you continue to select 'No,' you will receive another prompt notifying you that the posting process is not done; therefore you are still able to make any needed changes.

Selecting 'Yes,' PSL+ will prompt confirming the entry is now posted along with the new reference number created (as shown in the example dialogue box).

We’re here to help.

PSL+ Support

Phone: (818) 848-0999


Business hours: Monday – Friday / 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. PT

Emergency after-hours support (live paging service): (818) 848-0999, option 2