Supporting Minors

MyCast&Crew: Registering and Managing a Minor's Trust Account Information

Learn how to add a minor’s trust account information in MyCast&Crew and easily manage their information.

rust accounts, also known as Block Trust Accounts and Coogan Accounts, are required by law in many states. If your state requires you to set up a trust account for the minor, you can add their information to the minor’s MyCast&Crew profile under the Trust Account tab. 

A couple of things to keep in mind: 

  • The trust account is not the same as a direct deposit. These are two very distinct things, in which the minor can have both. Learn more about managing the minor’s information here. 
  • Trust accounts are required by law in these states: 
    • California 
    • New York 
    • Illinois 
    • Louisiana
    • New Mexico 
  • If the minor has multiple trust accounts, you can only set up 1 as the primary default in the system.  

How to add the minor's trust account information

  1. Once you log in to MyCast&Crew, click the Guardianship tab drop-down and select the minor’s name. 
  2. Click the Trust Account tab.
  3. Click Get Started or edit to add the trust account information.
  4. Next, fill in the minor’s information for each field (all fields are required). 
  5. Upload the Statement of Trustee (also required). 
  6. The Plaid verification at the bottom of the form is not required, but we encourage you to verify the trust account to ensure accuracy. 
  7. Once you’ve added all the required information, click Submit. 

Our finance team will review the information submitted and verify it manually. Once the information has been added, it’ll be reflected in the "My Trust Account" tab.  

If you need to make any updates, you can resubmit the information if necessary.