- How can I reset my password?
- Why are some projects showing up on the dashboard, but not others?
- How can I change the company logo above the navigation menu?
- How can I add the 1099 transmitter code?
- How can I upload petty cash transactions into CAPS+?
- How can I set up a report that is not in CAPS+ by default?
- How can I merge duplicate vendors in CAPS+?
- Can I upload my bank statement to clear my bank reconciliation?
- How can I turn off the Bank Balance totals on the dashboard?
- How can I save my favorite modules for quick access?
- Where should I upload my payroll invoice in CAPS+?
- How can I upload my credit card statement to record transactions in CAPS+?
- How do I know if a document has been uploaded to a project?
- How do I find the system preference settings in CAPS+?