Date: December 15, 2022
Time: 7:30 p.m. PST
Idle Day Pay Visibility on Start Forms- You asked and we listened! Start+ will begin indicating on the start forms how the idle days should be paid (scale or the negotiated employee rate). This was a widely requested update that will provide you with more clarity around employment terms whenever reviewing the forms.
Copy Archived or Rescinded Offers
- We’ve copied “Copy Offer” over to the Archives tab. This allows Hiring Managers the flexibility to copy offers that have already been archived or rescinded.
See More Information on Offers in Manage Offers
- We’re adding more information to the Manage Offers page so that you can quickly find exactly what you’re looking for. Keep an eye out for additional offer information in the Terms of Hire section when viewing the offer details.
- Hiring Managers and Reviewers will have full transparency as to the hiring terms that were selected when the offer was created. This will provide them with more information directly in the system without them having to download forms or run reports.
- Approvers need to know all about the loan-out corporations. That’s why we’re giving approvers access to the loan-outW9 forms directly from the Approvals tab.