Petty Cash is the distribution of cash funds to pay for employees on productions for various expenses, usually smaller purchases such as materials and supplies.
Use the P/C Entry program to record both Petty Cash Advances (Amount Advanced), Petty Cash Receipts, and Petty Cash Returned (Accounted for Amount).
To disburse petty cash to each vendor or employee, he or she must be set up in Vendor Entry and have a petty cash advance account number entered in his or her record.
Note: Please be advised that you will not be able to access the P/C Entry screen until your “User ID” and default codes are set up. If they are not set up, a warning message will display upon opening the screen.
Your default series, location, and set codes can be input in the User Entry screen located in the “Setup” module. Once saved, the P/C Entry screen will become accessible.
Accessing the P/C Entry Screen
There are a few ways you can access the P/C Entry screen:
- Click module tab #5 Petty Cash at the top of the screen, or press the ALT + 5 key on your keyboard simultaneously to open the screen.
- You can also access the P/C Entry screen from the menu tree on the left side of the screen under P/C > Vendor > Entry.
- You can also access this screen by typing the screen or acronym name in the blue prompt bar located above the “Setup” menu. Then, press Enter.
Reference Information
Reference Number: System-assigned number that is also referred to as a transaction number.
To generate the next sequential reference number, press the F4 key on your keyboard or select the “Add” icon located on the toolbar. You can also right-click outside the field (in which the “Add” option appears) to add the next record.
Effective Date: Date of the transaction that is recorded on the Bible Report; should default with today’s date after generating the reference number. You can always change it by typing over the defaulted date or by right-clicking in the field for the calendar section to appear.
- Please note: You cannot input a date that is in a previously closed period.
- Please email a request to if you need a transaction’s effective date changed and include the reference number(s). Please be advised that depending on your specific studio’s guidelines, the support team may need to obtain approval from your Studio Finance Executive before proceeding.
Description: Explanation of this P/C transaction as a whole which can hold up to 30 alpha/numeric characters.
Status: Overall status of the transaction.
This field is marked with “U” for an Unposted entry until you post it in the Post P/C Transactions screen. As long as the transaction is marked with an unposted status, you are able to modify it. Once posted, it is marked with a “P” for Posted. PSL+ will update this status automatically.
Batch Information
Codes that are attached to the transaction. These fields are pulled from the User Entry screen located in the “Setup” module (if set up in advance).
To change the defaulted codes, press the F2 key on your keyboard, or right-click in any of these fields: Batch, Production, Company, Bank, and Currency, and make your selection.
Please note the Bank Code field set up in the Bank Entry screen is where the P/C Box/Custodian Account is pulled from. To set up a new P/C Custodian, you can do so in the Bank Entry screen located in the “Setup” module.
- Please email a request to if you need a transaction’s effective date changed and include the reference number(s). Please be advised that depending on your specific studio’s guidelines, the support team may need to obtain approval from your Studio Finance Executive before proceeding.
Vendor Information
Only vendors with advanced accounts set up in Vendor Entry are displayed in the vendor pick list in P/C Entry. This is done by check-marking the “Petty Cash” option in which the P/C Advance Account field becomes accessible in Vendor Entry.
- Select the vendor needed by pressing the F2 key or by right-clicking in the “Vendor ID” field.
- Once the list of vendors appears, you can scroll through to find the vendor or click on the column headers: Name, City, or Vendor to sort alphabetically or numerically.
- If the vendor does not exist in PSL+, you can add it by pressing the F5 key or by clicking the “zoom” icon located on the toolbar. This will zoom into the Vendor Entry screen.
- To search for a vendor while zoomed into the Vendor Entry screen, type the wildcard character using the asterisk (*) in the Vendor Name field.
- For example, if you want to see if vendor John Smith exists, you would type *John* or *Smith* and press the F7 key or click the “find” icon located on the toolbar.
- PSL+ will display how many records for those criteria exist.
- Select the “arrow” icons (first, prior, next, and last) located on the toolbar, or press the Page Up or Page Down keys until you find the vendor needed.
- Once you locate the vendor, press the F1 key, then “F” option or select the “Fetch” icon to fetch this record back to the P/C Entry screen.
Envelope Information
Envelope Number: User-defined code or number identifying each P/C envelope which can hold up to eight alpha/numeric characters.
The concept of an envelope is that each P/C transaction can involve not only disbursing cash but also receiving receipts and cash from vendors. The receipts would be kept in an envelope for future reference and the transactions would be listed on the front of the envelope.
Amount Advanced: Dollar or another currency amount that is being given (advanced) to the P/C Vendor.
- After inputting the amount advanced, PSL+ will automatically create two distribution lines.
- The first automated line will display the advance account number for the P/C vendor set up in the Vendor Entry screen (debiting the P/C vendor’s advance account).
- The second automated distribution line will display the account number for the P/C Box/Custodian set up in the Bank Entry screen (crediting the P/C Box/Custodian’s account).
Accounted for Amount: Total amount (total cash + receipts) that is being received from the P/C vendor.
- After inputting the accounted for amount, PSL+ will automatically create one distribution line.
- The automated line will display the advance account number for the P/C vendor set up in the Vendor Entry Screen.
Amount Distributed: Read-only field that sums the amounts coded to expense account numbers in the distribution lines.
- As you enter amounts coded to expense accounts, the field will total those amounts.
- The amount distributed must equal the accounted for amount before you can save the P/C Entry transaction. Please note that you are not able to access this field.
Please email a request to to make the envelope number a “white-colored” force field as white fields are required before proceeding in PSL+.
Distribution Lines Field Descriptions
PSL+ automatically creates distribution line(s) once you enter an amount in the “Amount Advanced” and “Accounted for Amount” fields.
- First Amount Advanced Distribution Line - This is automatically created if you enter an amount in the Amount Advanced field. It displays the Advance Account Number for the P/C vendor set up in the Vendor Entry screen (the debit from the P/C vendor's advance account).
- Second Amount Advanced Distribution Line - This is automatically created if you enter an amount in the Amount Advanced field. It displays the account number for the P/C Box/Custodian set up in the Bank Entry screen (the credit from the P/C Box/Custodian 's account).
- First Accounted For Amount Distribution Line - This is automatically created only if you enter an amount in the Accounted For Amount field. It displays the Advance Account Number for the P/C vendor set up in the Vendor Entry screen.
- Account Number - Chart of Accounts number that will be debited or credited on this distribution line. Press the F2 key or right-click to choose the account number.
- If the account number doesn't exist in PSL+, you can add it by pressing the F5 key or clicking the “zoom” icon located on the toolbar. This zooms into the Chart of Accounts Entry screen in which you can add the account number immediately. Once saved, press the F1 Key, then the “F'” option or click the “Fetch” icon to fetch the account back to the P/C Entry screen.
- 1099 and Third Party Expense – 1099 Code associated with the distribution, if any. A 1099 is a tax form. Press the F2 key or right-click to choose the necessary code. The “State Worked” field in the “Vendor Information” section must be input for the “9” field to be accessible. Please note that if the “9” field does not have a code displayed, the “3rd Party” field will not be available to select the third-party vendor.
- Description – Explanation for this distribution line which can hold up to 30 alpha/numeric characters.
Amount – Dollar or other currency amount for this distribution line; should default with the remaining P/C amount when you input an amount in the “Amount Advanced” and/or “Accounted for Amount” fields.
- If you press the F2 key or right-click in the “Amount” field, a calculator will display for your convenience.
- Note: The Series, Location, Set, and Free Field codes will be brought over from the User Entry screen located in the “Setup” module if set up. If not, press the F2 key or right-click in these fields to make your selected.
Pro Tips
- Make sure to input all white-colored fields, as white fields are required before saving in PSL+.
- To save this entry click the “save” icon located on the toolbar.
- You can also save by pressing the F1 key, then “U” option to update, which will save and keep you remained on the screen, or press the F1 key, then “A” option to accept, which will save and clear the screen (most common).
- To add another distribution line, press Enter or Tab on your keyboard where the last line was entered.
- To insert a distribution line in between already existing lines, place your cursor where you want to add and press the F4 key or select the “add” icon. A new line will be added below.
- To delete a distribution line, place your cursor in the line you want to delete and press the F10 key or select the “delete” icon. A red strike-through line will appear which is deleted upon saving.
- To search for an existing entry, press the F7 key or click the “find” icon when the screen is clear. When all records appear, you can scroll through using the “arrow” icons (first, prior, next, and last) or by pressing the page up or page down keys until you find the entry needed.