Studio+ Release Notes

Studio+ Release: May 17, 2021

Date: May 17, 2021

Time: 10:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. PDT

Organization Search   

  • You can now search for an organization you have access to, reducing time and effort required to find an organization you are looking for. 

Azure Search Enhancement 

  • Improvements to our search architecture for faster and more meaningful search results. 

Database Upgrades 

  • By improving our database architecture we’re enhancing performance, increasing scalability, and reducing user-experience issues.  

Performance Enhancements  

  • The improvements to our logging mechanisms and database structures allow us to improve app performance while increasing visibility into the source of issues when they arise.   
  • Optimization of our APIs for more performant machine-to-machine communication resulting in greater reliability. 
  • Improve performance of logging activity so that Studio+ can remain performant under load. 
  • Increased end-to-end testing for faster troubleshooting and greater application stability.    
  • In-house upload mechanism designed on AWS infrastructure to be used as a backup should our primary file upload service go down, providing additional reliability for our users.