Start+ Release Notes

Start+ Release: June 3, 2021

Date: June 3, 2021

Time: 8:00 p.m. PT

  • Updating the Terms of Employment table for union, hourly/daily schedules (e.g. Schedule A’s). This update will:  
    • Ask hiring managers and reviewers to enter the appropriate rate information on the Create/Review Offer page, which will flow through the rest of Start+ and into C&C Payroll 
    • Adding a new “Pay At Scale” option 
      • This will enable a crew member’s scale rate to automatically update upon union-negotiated increases. 
      • Crew members will also be able to easily determine if their rate is scale when they review their offer summary. 
    •  Adding a new “Apply Guaranteed Hours to 6th / 7th Days” option. 
      • This will clarify if a crew member’s guaranteed hours will be applied to the 6th/7th days worked.  

*Please note that this will only affect the union hourly/daily schedules, typically Schedule A’s. We will be updating the Terms of Employment tables for remaining union schedules in the coming releases.