Hours+ Release Notes

Hours+ Release: July 14, 2022

Date: July 14, 2022

Time: 9:00 p.m. PT

Move Your Timecards Flexibly! 

  • Your invoices can now contain batches from different week endings! 
  • An example: Sam has two Hours+ timecards, one for both this week and last week. the move feature will now allow both of those timecards to be processed on the same invoice. 
  • The invoice list on the move screen will be longer, as invoices from all week endings will appear there.  
  • Invoices that have a different week ending from the source invoice will show their weekending in orange so that you can easily distinguish this week’s payroll from others.  
  • You can type to filter by weekending to further narrow the list of invoices 
  • When moving the last timecard out of a batch or invoice, the empty batch/invoice will be deleted. This will help to declutter long lists. 

Helpful how-to guide: