Date: March 2, 2023
Time: 9:00 p.m. PST
New! Timecard Recall:
- Payroll Accountants--you can now return a timecard back to your queue, even if it’s already been submitted to an approver or to Cast & Crew!
- You can now correct your mistakes and take control of your workflow. There’s no longer a need to call your boss and ask them to log in just to have them reject a timecard back to you!
- If you’re a Payroll Accountant in Hours+, you'll now have this permission.
- Timecards can only be recalled if your payroll coordinator has not yet begun work on the invoice.
- The user from whom the timecard is recalled will not get burdened with any notifications.
- The user from whom the timecard is recalled will not get burdened with any notifications.
Daily Timesheets Improvements:
- We’re introducing a keyboard shortcut to copy to all rows! No need to break up your flow by reaching for that mouse.
- On Windows: "CTRL + Shift + A"
- On Mac: "CMD + Shift + A"
- The keyboard navigation using tab and enter is now consistent with the behaviors on the weekly timecard screen.
Other Improvements and Updates:
- When using the Open Selected Timecards feature, you'll see a hyperlink on the batch of each individual timecard, allowing you easy access to see a whole batch and target stragglers quickly.
- All account code fields should now populate from deal memos (such as free fields).
- Deleting the last timecard on an invoice will cause that invoice to be voided. Less old clutter hanging around.
Related Resources: