You can view all POs that have been created in the “View P.O.’s” tab in the top navigation bar.
POs can be sorted by:
- Least & Most Recent
- Highest & Lowest PO Number
- Approved & Pending
- All
- Amended
- And more
By default, POs will be sorted by Most Recent and Approved & Pending.
They can also be sorted down the left-hand side of the page by:
- Budget
- Department
- Supplier
- Expenditure Type
- Currency
You can also filter your view by “My Purchase Orders” or “All Purchase Orders.” By default, the view will show “All Purchase Orders.”
Find a Specific PO with an Advanced Search
To find a particular PO, you can perform an advanced search.
Within the advanced search, you can filter by the filters shown below, and also by “PO date created from-to,” and by “PO date approved from-to.”
If you know the PO number you are looking for, you can type this in the search bar found above the the “Total” column on the right side of the page.